Should you get a 144hz montitor???

Hey guys!!!
So should you get a 144hz monitor???

For a 144hz monitor you need a powerful computer
Because it is pretty difficult to achieve 144 frames per second.

You need like a gtx 980 for a 1080p 144hz monitor. And for 1440p 144hz you need a gtx 1080 to. The gtx 1080 is not powerful enough to get 144 fps in 1440p. I think that a 4k 144hz also came out but it is around 2000 dollars. 144hz monitors are expensive. 1080p 144hz monitors are not that expensive they are around 200$. 1440p 144hz monitors are a little bit on the expensive side. They are around 600 to 800 dollars. So if you want a 144hz monitor you NEED a good computer.

Thank u for reading this post.

